It was a nice day in first grade today, things were going well, and then it happened.
In walked the dreaded laptop.
The time had come for my next walk-thru observation and when did my principal arrive with her laptop? During a read aloud. Cool! Easy! Right?
Well, yes. And also, no.
Normally, I have an objective for my read alouds that happen in the morning with my reading lesson. I am reading those books with the purpose of teaching a skill or practicing something we are currently working on in the lesson. The book is a mentor text or an example to be used to get my point across.
In the afternoon when I read aloud, I don't have any sort of objective except to read with my kiddos and enjoy a fun story. Today, when the laptop walked in, we were just cracking open the cover of a brand new, never been read before, just gifted to us, book. We were all excited for this one...The Smart Cookie by Jory John.
We have read other books by Jory and have loved them all. We loved them, yes, but not because we were learning a certain objective from them, but because we were just reading for enjoyment.
My heart sank just a little when the laptop walked in. I know reading for pleasure is perfectly acceptable, but it's not something I can show a lesson plan for and I knew the laptop was looking for my objective on the board and my lesson plan to match.
But...then...I remembered. I had swapped my read alouds today! Woohoo! I read for pleasure in the morning, and was reading with an objective when the laptop walked in. Saved by the book!
My purpose was to read today and tie it into my writing lesson tomorrow. As I read, I pointed out different things the author was doing that I knew we were going to return to tomorrow - the things I knew I would be refering back to in our writing lesson the next day.
As the laptop watched and listened, I knew she was enjoying the book right along with all my little people. She smiled and chuckled at all the right moments, and I knew she was enjoying my lesson.
The laptop finished click clacking her notes and I heard my phone ping when the email notification arrived containing her written feedback.
It would have been fine if I had been reading for enjoyment. But I'm still glad that today, by chance, I was...
the smart cookie!