Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grow With Me

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I've never chosen one little word (OLW) before but I've been giving it a lot of thought.  I have considered so many different words.  Some words made it higher than others on the list: hope, kindness, strength, lead, inspire.

I was very close to picking kindness.  I love the word and the idea of focusing on kindness.  I decided instead of making it my OLW, I would rather it be my way of life.  I choose kindness.

So...what did I choose?


I can apply this to every area of my life.  My children. School and teaching.  Professional development.  Relationships.  Everything.

I want to grow.  I want to see growth.  I want to look back at the year and reflect on growth.

Bring it on 2013!


  1. I like how you shared your process to getting to your word. I found myself doing the same thing. Looking at one but then being lead to another. This will be a great word to live by and I will happily grow with you a few doors down the hall :)

  2. Interesting! I only came up with two words. Thanks for sharing your process! My word is brave.

  3. It's fun to see how you arrived at your OLW. And I love your positive closing - "Bring it on 2012!"

  4. I love reading the thoughts and process everyone goes through as they pick their word. Just having a word ever present changes you. That surprised me last year.

  5. It's been terrific hearing about the way words have been chosen. I love your title too, Robin. Grow sounds like a good word to have in front of one all the time. I think we'll all love hearing about you growing this year!

  6. I've only been doing OLW for 2 years and your thoughts reflect what I've discovered. Choosing a word makes that word act as a sieve - or a lens. So this year it has taken me a long time to come to my word because like you, I choose to have XYZ in my life everyday but as a lens I want ???
    Your word is going to be fun for you.
