
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Friday, June 21, 2013


The All Write!!! conference is amazing!  During a session, Ruth Ayres prompted the group to write on the topic of journey.  The words came easily to me this time.  Amy Ludwig Vanderwater had just finished speaking about poetry..."What goes in is what comes out," she said.  Here is what came out:


a path to travel
a fork in the road
decisions to make
choices to behold
whatever the destination
the journey's the heart
pick up your pen
jump in and start

I'm jumping into Poetry Friday today to share a little piece of my journey.


  1. Writing really is a journey of the pen, isn't it? All Write sounds so wonderful. Several of you have poetry contributions from Ruth's prompt.

  2. Welcome to Poetry Friday! After you get home from All Write, visit the other bloggers in the round up. Then come back next week!

  3. I'm jumping in and finding so much coming out of All Write. Sounds like writing fun. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  4. "the journey's the heart," My favorite part. :)

  5. I just told Betsy that I didn't get enough time to visit with you three! Next time! I would like to use your "journey" poem for the beginning of next year, Robin. It's so right for beginnings!
