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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye Growth, Hello Light

It's time to share one final Slice of Life in 2013!  Join the gang at Two Writing Teachers for another Slice of Life Tuesday!

It's always hard for me to put my thoughts at the close of the year into words.  I've been struggling with a slice of life to share today.  Mostly, as this year draws to a close, I've been thinking about my One Little Word. 

In 2013, I chose the word:


Over the past year I have reflected a bit on my OLW but not nearly enough.

I've watched growth all around me...in my children, my students, my family, my friends.  I've grown myself in may ways.  It was a good word and though I didn't spend as much time with it as I would have liked, it's time to move on.

This year I have selected:


as my OLW for 2014.

I hope to be more involved in the meaning of this word.  I hope to do more things that bring light into my life.  I hope to bring light to those around me in whatever way I can.  I hope to let my light shine into new places this year.  I hope this year's journey is full of light in every way.  I hope to share the slices of light I find in the new year through my blog posts...I'm already looking forward to the March Slice of Life Challenge!

And so, with 2014 just a handful of hours away...I'm beginning to look for light.  Today I've seen it in the eyes of my children...in the smile of my husband...in the words of a friend...in the hope and promise that a new year holds.

Have a safe and happy new year everyone and may life's light shine brightly for you in 2014!


  1. Your post reminds me of the old spiritual, This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. A beautiful word for 2014.

  2. I know there will be lots of light in your life this year. So many possibilities for light.

  3. Love the word that you chose...I am still seeking my word...love the inspiration and where your word has started to lead you...

  4. Thank you for you deLIGHTful wishes! It will be interesting how this word will guide your year; what new places you will bring light into and where you will find light reaching out to you. Happy LIGHT filled New Year to you!

  5. Light offers so many possibilities. I know your year will be filled with joy with a word like that! Happy New Year!

  6. I love that last part, Robin, about you seeing the light in different places already. What a great word, stretches into so many corners! Happy New Year!

  7. Light sounds like a perfect fit for you Robin.
    Good luck with your 2014 Challenge!
