
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 14: I Want My Mommy

I WANT MY MOMMY!!!  Truly.  I don't want to be a grown up anymore.  I officially return my adulting badge. 

Last Wednesday, child #1 went down with the stomach flu.  Tomorrow, she is finally going to return to the human race and head back into the normal schedule.  She's pretty much resided on the couch or in bed since Wednesday.  Finally today, she showed some actual signs of being herself.  I saw a couple smiles, I won a couple giggles, and she managed to eat three meals and a couple of snacks.  And, most importantly, she was able to keep them all to herself! 

So, just as we were feeling pretty decent about tomorrow...as in, no babysitters needed, no alternate schedules needed, everyone back to where they are supposed to be...

[sing it with me now]

Another one bites the dust!

Yes, child #2 went to bed as usual and within the hour...

Yep.  You know it.  You know the sound.  The dreaded sound that every parent knows and every parent HATES like nothing else.

The sound of it hitting the floor.  And...not to be too graphic, but let's just say she sleeps on the top bunk.

And so it begins again.  The child on the bottom bunk shifts to the floor of her older sister's room.  The child on the top bunk is reassigned to the bottom bunk.  The floor is cleaned.  Sheets are changed.  Buckets are RE-placed next to the bed.  Here we go again.

If you read my post yesterday, you may remember that it's conference week at school.  Tomorrow is my late night, meaning I will be at school until about 7:30 or so.  My husband has to be at work as well and has to be able to pick up the rest of the kids from school so we called in reinforcements.  Or, more honestly, we called Grandma.  She will save the day and stay with sick child #2 and we will all cross our fingers that sick child #1 is truly over it and has a fabulous, normal day tomorrow.

Let's also all cross our fingers...yes, you to please...that this stops here.  I'm not sure I can take child #3 and child #4 and, for that matter, husband getting it too. 

Like I said before, I really just want my mommy to come rescue me.

I don't want to be a parent right now.

I hate vomit.

Hate it.



  1. Oh no! Mommy to the rescue is right. Crossing my fingers this is the end of it for all of you. :( Sympathy sent.

  2. I hate vomit, and sick kids, and all the rest, but I loved your slice. I loved that your momma can come and make it all better (or at least a little better!). Sounds like the perfect week for all this to happen, right? Best wishes for good health and stat!

  3. I hate vomit, and sick kids, and all the rest, but I loved your slice. I loved that your momma can come and make it all better (or at least a little better!). Sounds like the perfect week for all this to happen, right? Best wishes for good health and stat!

  4. Oh, this is the worst, Robin! Prayers that everyone else stays healthy, including you! Thank goodness for Grandma-to-the-rescue!

  5. Okay, but you wrote a really funny piece about it :) That sound...
