
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What a day!

I'm not sure if it is because of the weather or because my students know that it's parent-teacher conference time, but my students have lost their minds.

It was extremely windy today.  I suppose it could be the cause of the chaos, except that they were nutty yesterday too.

The last two evenings have been filled with conferences.  I suppose it could be the cause of their craziness, but I don't think that's it either.

I think they are just tired.

I heard several parents say that their children LOVE school but they are struggling to get them up and out the door in the morning recently.

I heard several parents say that their children LOVE me and get upset when they are sick and have to stay home from school, but they have lost almost all bits of respectful behavior in the last two days.

I think they are just tired.

There are so many could be's, but I'm pretty confident that it isn't because of any of those things.

I think they are just tired.

Do you know how I know?

I'm tired too.

But guess what?

Tomorrow is a new day with new chances and new opportunities!

(And hopefully less wind.)


  1. We have a similar situation going on at my school this week. The wind has been crazy. PARCC testing is next week and teachers are stressed. Our principal retired unexpectedly last week. Teachers are crazy. Kids are crazy. I think we are all just worn out! I'm glad we can start over again today! Only a few more weeks until spring break.

  2. We shall see what the day holds for my kiddos. I heard they were quite a handful while I was gone.

  3. I was experiencing the same frustrations. So, it was an epidemic and thank goodness we received a comp day (wink, wink) Although once again I missed your class.
