
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Slice of Life Challenge - Day 26 - Hosted by Two Writing Teachers

The wind rushes past
Brushing all my cares to the side
The wind rushes past
I pump my legs harder
Until I can only see blue sky up ahead.

The wind rushes past
Shoving all my cares away
The wind rushes past
I trudge up the rungs and
Whoosh, down I go!

The wind rushes past
Spinning away my worries
The wind rushes past
Circling around but not landing
A flash of objects past my eyes.

The wind rushes past
My concerns vanish
The wind rushes past
It’s a playground day
A day of feeling free like the wind.


  1. i feel the wind brushing,shoving and spinning away worries and I am experiencing the joy of a playground day. Refreshing!

  2. I love the line, The wind rushes past-my concerns vanish. I get a real sense of freedom just reading it. I think my students feel like this when they run out of the door and onto the playground for recess. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I liked the repeating line and the carefree feeling the poem left behind.

  4. "shoving all my cares away" - I love it. Great images!

  5. So much movement, rushing wind. Your words bring the playground to life.

  6. This played like a movie in my head. Great imagery and detail.

  7. Ah-h, so nice & relaxing to run around outside playing. It must send some of those relaxing thoughts to the brain to feel the wind in one's hair & to rush down a slide. Nice!
