
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Slice of Life - Day 16 - hosted by Stacey and Ruth at their blog, Two Writing Teachers.

I've been laughing at myself today.  It's the first day off of school that I've had in a long time that didn't involve being sick, having a sick child, a doctor appointment or an in-service.  I have been looking forward to it for some time now...a whole day home with my kids to do whatever we want together. 

When I started the SOL challenge at the beginning of the month, I noticed that I had to always squeeze in time for my writing and posting, usually during my breaks at school.  Then, later, after the kids were in bed, I could go back and read as many slices as my eyes would stay open for.

This is all fine and so far I really haven't had any trouble deciding what to write about each day (my biggest fear at the beginning).  During the week, there is so much material to use if I just keep my eyes open for it.  The weekend days are easy because I can be more leisurely about the whole process. 

I've been looking forward to this day off and thinking how easy it would be to write today, on this day-long vacation.  Instead, I've been struggling for my topic today.  But instead of feeling dread, I have been laughing to myself about it all day. 

It's just ironic that on this day where I can do whatever I want whenever I want I can't think of something to say?  Funny.  And then I realized that THIS was my topic today.  Just when I thought I didn't know...there it was.

Nothing fancy today, just a day off.  :)


  1. Life is full of slices, you just have to know where to look. You found it! I hope you enjoyed your day, and now you have the weekend too.

  2. And it's always lovely to have a day when your mind doesn't have to be so focused. Glad you had one.

  3. Funny how our process about our thinking becomes the words for a slice. Love it. Enjoy your day.
