
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Poetry Friday - Generating Light

Whew!  Three posts in one week!  Hang on to your hat!

Anyway, it's Poetry Friday and my fabulous friend Betsy at ithinkinpoems is hosting!  She takes us on a beautiful journey through the Michigan's splendor.  Be sure to check it out!  She also shares a picture taken by friend that is just magnificent!

For my contribution this week, I write about my OLW - Light!  About a week ago, I saw a friend's post on Facebook that was asking for some inspiration to get the writing juices flowing.  Many people responded with thoughts and ideas, but one really hit home for me in many ways.  As I read the phrase "generating light" I fell in love.  I went on about my day, days really, but I couldn't shake that phrase from my mind.  It ended up igniting both my One Little Word for 2014 and a poem.

As I sat down to cut out an enormous pile of laminating, the words kept bouncing around in my head.  I was sitting next to the computer so I opened a document and began to type the bits and pieces that came to mind as I cut.  By the time my pile was finished, so was my poem!  I love multitasking and it turned out to be a nice sampling of things that bring light into my life.

Generating Light

A smiling babyface opening Christmas presents.
Generating Light

A child’s laugh erupting from the belly.
Generating Light

A sparkle of stars in the midnight sky.
Generating Light

A leg-hug from a two-year-old.
Generating Light

A hot cup of coffee on a cold morning.
Generating Light

A long snuggle by a crackling fire.
Generating Light

A neck squeeze by child-sized arms.
Generating Light

A sunshine walk in the woods.
Generating Light

A comfortable conversation with a friend.
Generating Light

A tasty meal with easy fellowship.
Generating Light

A pudgy hand holding on tight.
Generating Light

An uplifting melody stuck between the ears.
Generating Light

A faithful memory that holds the heart.
Generating Light

A collection of treasured pleasures throughout the day.
Generating Light

A feeding of the soul.
Generating Light


  1. I love your word for 2014! May you shine all through the year.

  2. As I read your poem, Robin, I kept thinking of the song, "You light up my life", humming along as I read. It seems you'll have quite a sunshine year this year! Lovely to read all those little sparkles!

  3. You have generated some light into my Saturday morning with your de-lightful poem! Have a Happy 2014!

    Violet N.

  4. You will sparkle and shine in 2014, Robin!

  5. Your poem has an iridescent quality! Love the "a neck squeeze by child-sized arms". Happy New Year, Robin!
