
Welcome! Join me as I share my experiences as a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher, and my reflections on them all. Come along as I share my crazy journey!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spread Some Blog Love

I have thoroughly enjoyed the SOLSC this year! I have had the opportunity to follow some new bloggers this year during the challenge and I have so enjoyed getting to know them through their writing.  Each has shared several slices that touched me in some way from making me laugh to tugging at my heartstrings to inspiring me to try something new with my writing.  So, today, instead of sharing a story of my own, I'd like you to check out a few new slicers.  Maybe you have already met them this month, maybe not, but here are some of my favorite slices from eight new slicing friends.  While you are visiting their blogs...click around a bit and check out a few more slices - there are so many great ones!

From Kathleen at theonewiththebooks:

This Day

From Kim at Single Mom So Far:

Taking Stock
Duel: Action Movies vs. Romance Movies
Lazy Ode to a Sidewalk

From Readwithmemommy:

Amazing Socks

From Jill at JillPickle:

Letter to Netflix
So Long Brenda
Chapel Attic

From Yesi at Outside the Box:


From Jennifer at Hay's Daze:

Snow, Oh How I Loathe You
Great Views

From Jenkotbressanelli:

Winter Timeout
One of Those Days

From Gael at Small Circles:

Teaching Teddy Bears
A Puppy Waits
Ode to a Morning Cup

From my friend Kris at I Survived Today:

Life Before...Life After


  1. What an awesome idea to share what has inspired you. So many new slicers this year, thanks for sharing these!

  2. Great idea! I am so grateful to find many wonderful new blogs through sol!
